in case you missed part one of miss ec’s all about me session you can see it HERE
like i said before all things girly and pretty and sparkly and just plain perfect! This session was seriously straight from the imagination of miss EC complete with dress up, make believe, and we even let her paint her oven fingernails all by herself for the FIRST TIME ever… i have to say i know it was pretty accurate brought to life vision of little girls dreams because cheeks #2 ooohhh and aaaahhh as she sat here watching me edit these… plus her mama even found one of those powered puffs ya know like from old time-y movies and it was pink and had a BOW y’all! seriously! i could honestly shot you this entire session and i just might have to do a part three bc ummmmm hellllloooo we had so much FUN! and of you are still reading here is a little hint this studio will be showing up again in the sort of near future